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AStA Help for Internationals


nice that you found the page of the FSR. Please contact us urgently at if you are an international student who cannot make it safely to Germany by 11 Oct due to entry difficulties (visa, pandemic). If we know that we are expecting you, we can help you !

Your AStA International Affairs

Moin, moin (as we say in Hamburg)! You are on the website of the student representatives of Department E, the german abbreviation is FSR ET/IT. If you study Microelectronics and Microsystems, Information and Communication Systems, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Technomathematics or if you're interested in any of these courses of study, you're in the right place.

The currently elected student representatives are shown at Members. Our representatives send to other student committees and their meeting dates you will find at Committee Work.

Event Schedule

<embed :veranstaltungsliste/>

You can import our calendar as iCal.


Start of Barbecue season

It's that time again: The snow has melted, the birds are chirping again, the grill is leaving its burrow and the mulled wine will soon be flying south. We would like to celebrate this occasion with you at our annual “Angrillen & Abpunschen” Barbecue.

We meet on Thursday, 21.04 between 13 and 22 o'clock at the TU pond with vaccination certificate AND rapid test result.

There will be mulled wine, cold drinks, and both meat and meatless barbecue for a small fee.

We are looking forward to seeing you!


ET 1 : Online Coached Learning Session

Plans for march this year were to offer coached learning sessions for the exam “Electrical Engineering I : Direct Current Networks and Electromagnetic Fields”. The exam will now be held in june, so we are of course offering the coached learning for you. It will be held online via Zoom from 30th of may to 1st of june 2020. Important informations you will find inside StudIP under the link: StudIP: Betreutes Lernen. Please add yourself to a group in the tab “Participants: Groups” so we can see what capacity we need to offer.

Best of luck for your learning and, of course, the exam!

Office hours during the covid-19 pandemic

Despite the lockdown the student representatives are still there for you if you need consultation. Additionally to contact via e-mail you can meet one of us in our office. Therefore it is necessary to make an appointment, feel free to contact us:

<embed kennenlerngrillen/> 12.09.2019

summer BBQ

Temperatures are rising, concentration is no longer an issue 😰

Come therefore on Thursday, the 27.07., starting from 13 o'clock at the TU pond past and celebrate with us the summer ☀️ As always, there are grilled and chilled drinks at student-friendly prices 🍻

So let your friends know and treat yourself to a little break with us!


<embed angrillenundabpunschen/> 20.05.2019

Past Exam Papers Wanted!

If you're in possession of past exam papers, midterm papers, test or oral exam protocols, exercise solutions of any of your lectures, please bring them to us, so we can hand them out to other students.

Via E-Mail: klausuren ATFSR
Via Mail: TUHH
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg
Via you bring it to our office: Room 0.097 in Building E

Digital versions if possible, otherwise we can also scan the documents.


Older news posts from this semester

Older news posts can be found in the news archives.

en/aktuelles.1657046459.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/05 18:40