Get-to-know-you barbecue 2019

Dear student applicants,
So you have decided to apply for a degree programme at the Dean's Office of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics at TU Hamburg. We, the Student Council (FSR) ET/IT, therefore cordially invite you to a small barbecue where you can get to know each other. Students from higher semesters and some professors will also be there to answer any questions you may have about studying at the TUHH. If you are interested, there will also be a short tour of the campus.

We look forward to seeing you there,
your FSR ET/IT

The most important things in a nutshell

For whom?

Everyone who has applied for one of the following degree programmes (Bachelor or Master) at the TUHH for the winter semester 2019/2020:


On 30 August 2018 from 3 pm (you can also join us later).


At the pond on the southern part of the TUHH campus. The best way to get there is via the bus stop “Eißendorfer Straße (TU Hamburg)” and then another 100 metres between the buildings to the meadow. Alternatively, simply enter the following coordinates into Google Maps:
53.460015, 9.969327

What is it?

A cosy barbecue with applicants, students from higher semesters and some professors.

By whom?

The Electrical Engineering/Information Technology Student Council (FSR ET/IT) represents all students on the above-mentioned degree programmes. Under Tasks and Members you can find all the information about who we are and what else we do.

Further questions?

If you have any further questions, simply write an e-mail to fsr-etit ATTUHH or use one of our other contact options.