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en:aktuelles [2019/09/26 08:49] – cleaned eins überflüssigen notoc Gero Bardowicksen:aktuelles [2024/03/18 10:24] Felix Röver
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 +====== Welcome ======
 +Moin, moin (as we say in Hamburg)! You are on the website of the student representatives of Department E, the german abbreviation is FSR ET/IT. If you study Microelectronics and Microsystems, Information and Communication Systems, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Technomathematics or if you're interested in any of these courses of study, you're in the right place.
 +The currently elected student representatives are shown at [[mitglieder|Members]]. Our representatives sent to other student committees and their meeting dates you will find at [[gremienbesetzung|Committee Work]].
 +====== AStA Help for Internationals ======
 +nice that you found the page of the FSR. Please contact us urgently at if you are an international student who cannot make it safely to Germany by 11 Oct due to entry difficulties (visa, pandemic). If we know that we are expecting you, we can help you !
 +Your AStA International Affairs
 +====== Apartment Hunting ======
 +If you just arrived in Hamburg, you may need help finding a place to live.
 +The [[|Student Union]] can help you with this. There are lots of Dormitories in Hamburg, three of them in Harburg. You can apply [[|here]].
 +If you need any help, you can either [[|contact people from the student union]] or write our primary for international affairs at tim{{:atatatat.png?nolink|}}
 +{{cal>[1100,300]|Event Calendar}}
 +You can get our calender at [[|iCal]] or get it here as an import [[|Google-Kalender]].
 +====== News ======
 +===== GameING - The LAN-Party of the FSR-ET/IT =====
 +On January 19th and 20th, our LAN party took place again in the LuK of the TUHH. Compared to the last two times, the number of participants increased significantly and we are glad that you enjoyed it. There were also more teams registered for both tournaments than last year. We hope to see you again this summer.
 +===== ChristNix 2023 =====
 +Bei unserer ChristNix am 19.12 durften wir euch wieder mit viel Glühwein und Hot-Dogs ausstatten. Diesmal hatten wir sogar Kakao am Start und haben mit euch leckere Plätzchen und Vanillekipferl gebacken. Trotz der etwas gemütlicheren Runde hatten wir einen schönen Abend und hoffen, ihr hattet genau so viel Spaß!
 +===== Freshmen =====
 +Are you new at the TUHH? Then take a look at our page for freshmen. There you will find all important information for a good start into your studies.  Just click [[[/studienanfaenger| here]].
 +===== Supervised learning =====
 +The exam period has started and we from the FSR ET/IT support you again in studying for your exams!
 +If you are writing one or more of the exams "Stochastik", "Informatik für Ingenieure 1 oder 2", "Elektrotechnik 2", "Programmierparadigmen", "Graphentheorie und Optimierung" or "Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik" this semester, you can drop by at the "Betreutes Lernen" on campus in the days before your exam, study there in study groups or alone and let experienced tutors help you with your last questions.
 +You will soon find all important information about dates, rooms, and the schedule in our StudIP event "Betreutes Lernen FSR ET/IT" . Please register there under Participants -> Groups, so that we can estimate the number of participants in advance.
 +For some of the courses we are still looking for tutors. If you know one of the subjects well and would like to support us, please contact us at fsr-etit{{:atatatuhh.png?80|}} or jasmin.stuemke{{:atatatuhh.png?80|}} . More information is available [[[/tutorien | here]].
 +===== Office hours =====
 +if you have questions, suggestions, wishes or just need to talk, the office hours are just the right thing.
 +Now that we are back at the university, we don't have fixed hours anymore. Just drop by our office (E 0.097). Even during the exam period there is often someone there. Alternatively, you can send us an e-mail.
 +===== Past Exam Papers Wanted! =====
 +If you're in possession of past exam papers, midterm papers, test or oral exam protocols, exercise solutions of  any of your lectures, please bring them to us, so we can hand them out to other students.
 +| Via E-Mail:    | klausuren{{:atatatat.png?nolink|}}     
 +| Via Mail:    | TUHH \\ FSR ET/IT \\ Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 \\ 21073 Hamburg |
 +| Via you bring it to our office: | Room 0.097 in Building E     |
 +Digital versions if possible, otherwise we can also scan the documents.  \\ \\
 +**[[newsarchivs21|Older news posts from this semester]]**
 +\\ Older news posts can be found in the **[[archiv|news archives]]**.
en/aktuelles.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/03 15:40