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en:aktuelles [2023/08/08 07:31] – [Student Orientation 2023] Timm Langendörferen:aktuelles [2024/03/18 10:26] Felix Röver
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 The currently elected student representatives are shown at [[mitglieder|Members]]. Our representatives sent to other student committees and their meeting dates you will find at [[gremienbesetzung|Committee Work]]. The currently elected student representatives are shown at [[mitglieder|Members]]. Our representatives sent to other student committees and their meeting dates you will find at [[gremienbesetzung|Committee Work]].
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 ====== News ====== ====== News ======
-===== Student Orientation 2023 ===== 
-Soon the winter semester is satrting and with that new students will join TUHH. If you are intressted what you're first week is going to be like, have a look here: [[en:orientierungseinheit|Freshmen Week 2023]] 
-===== GameING ===== +===== GameING - The LAN-Party of the FSR-ET/IT =====
-On July 07th from 6pm our LAN party took place again. This time there was a cast LoL tournament and again the couch tournament, like last year. It was an awesome evening and we hope you had as much fun as we did!+
-{{:events:gameing:fsr_2277-2.jpg?nolink&330|}} +On January 19th and 20th, our LAN party took place again in the LuK of the TUHHCompared to the last two times, the number of participants increased significantly and we are glad that you enjoyed itThere were also more teams registered for both tournaments than last yearWe hope to see you again this summer.
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-===== Summerfest ===== +{{:fsr_5819-min.jpg?330|}} 
-This year again, the nerdBar was at the summer party on 14.6. and offered not only the well-known cocktails, but also many drinks created especially for the summer partyAs one of the biggest events at the TU, we also made our contribution and quenched the thirst of the visitors. Atmosphere, mood and weather were top and we are looking forward to serving you again next year.+{{:fsr_5680-min.jpg?330|}} 
-==== Angrillen & Abpunschen 2023 ==== 
-Even though it was a bit later this year, we had our barbecue again. This year we couldn't barbecue at the pond, as usual, because construction work was going on there. We had to move to the square in front of the LuK, where this time we served the barbecue food in rolls fresh from the bakery instead of on a paper plate. We especially noticed that our vegetable skewers went down particularly well, which we will of course keep in mind for the next barbecue. We hope you had fun and enjoyed the food. 
-{{:dsc4409.jpg?500|}} +===== ChristNix 2023 ===== 
-{{:fsr_1966.jpg?500|}} +At our ChristNix on December 19th, we were once again able to provide you with plenty of mulled wine and hot dogsThis time we even had cocoa at the start and baked delicious cookies and vanilla crescentsDespite the somewhat cozier atmosphere, we had a great evening and hope you had just as much fun!
-===== NerdBar at the Asta Ball ====== +{{:fsr_5176.jpg?nolink&200|}} 
-We had Fancy outfits, good music and a lot of fun at the Asta Ball on April 14th.  +{{:fsr_4943.jpg?nolink&400|}} 
-Drinks were provided by our NerdBar and many hard-working helpers and it was a great success. We were happy to see so many of you there and hopefully there will be a next time:+{{:fsr_4839.jpg?nolink&400|}}
- +
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 ===== Freshmen ===== ===== Freshmen =====
en/aktuelles.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/03 15:40