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en:bachelormaster [2020/09/03 22:47] – [Statutes, Regulations, Curriculum] stefanen:bachelormaster [2022/04/14 16:34] Florian Strobel
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 +====== Information for your Course of Studies, B.Sc. / M.Sc. ======
 +===== Statutes, Regulations, Curriculum =====
 +  * The **Statute** for the studies at the TUHH
 +    * [[|"Satzung über das Studium an der TUHH" (german)]]
 +  * **General Regulations**, rules above Examination Regulations for the specific courses
 +    * [[|General Examination Regulations (pdf)]]
 +  * Examination Regulations for the **Bachelor** Courses
 +    * [[|Computational Informatics]]
 +    * [[|Computer Science]]
 +    * [[|Computer Science and Engineering]]
 +    * [[|Data Science]]
 +    * [[|Electrical Engineering]]
 +    * [[|Technomathematics]]
 +  * Examination Regulations for the **Master** Courses
 +    * [[|Computational Informatics]]
 +    * [[|Computer Science]]
 +    * [[|Computer Science and Engineering]]
 +    * [[|Electrical Engineering]]
 +  * Examination Regulations for the **International Master** Courses
 +    * [[|Communication and Information Technologies]]
 +    * [[|Information and Communication Systems]]
 +    * [[|Microelectronics and Microsystems]]
 +  * //General Regulations, Examination Regulations// and //Curriculum//, which were valid at the beginning of your studies, stay valid but may be object to updates. Automatic transition to more recent curricula or regulations will not occur.
 +===== Exams =====
 +  * [[|Examination Dates]]
 +  * [[|Examination Office]]
 +  * **Examination Registration:**
 +    * register for exams here: [[|Self Service]] (TUNE)
 +    * consider the deadlines for registration
 +    * for repitition of failed exams, you are automatically enroled
 +    * when you register for an exam but do not sign off until the deadline, you have to pass this exam, even if it is an elective subject course
 +  * For appeals against exams, recognition of credits or other topics regarding exams are decided by the //Examination Boards//. Our representatives can be viewed here: [[en:gremienbesetzung|Committee Work]].
 +  * If you have questions or when problems occur, feel free to contact us.
 +===== Forms =====
 +  *At some point in your studies, you will need some[[|Forms from the Examination Office]]
 +  *Application forms for Bachelor-/Master-Thesis, your ECTS overview, certificate of study and similar documents are found at [[|Self Service]] (SOS)
 +===== Counseling =====
 +  * If you need counseling, the TUHH offers you help with regard to your studies or help in general. 
 +    * [[|Student Counseling Center]]
 +    * [[|Subject Specific Counselors]]
 +    * [[|FAQ for TUHH students]]
 +  * Exam-related help, eg. appeals against exams
 +    * [[en:gremienbesetzung|Examination Boards Representatives]]
 +  * TUHH Studenten-Community
 +    * [[|TalkING]]
 +===== ECTS =====
 +  * ECTS: "European Credit Transfer System"
 +  * ECTS credit points are used to estimate and compare workload for lectures/courses including preparation for their exams.
 +  * The grades for courses are weighted with their ECTS points to calculate the final grade of your studies - the more credit points a course has, the higher the influence on the final grade.
 +  * As a standard, when collecting 30 credit points per semester, the studies will be finished in the scheduled time (ger.: //Regelstudienzeit//). Yet, it is obligatory to complete the studies in double the amount of the //Regelstudienzeit//.
 +  * At the TUHH, bachelor studies are allocated 180 ECTS while master studies are allocated 120 ECTS points.
en/bachelormaster.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/14 17:04