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en:lan-party [2023/06/06 15:52] – removed Tizian Holzhausenen:lan-party [2023/06/06 15:53] Tizian Holzhausen
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 +====== GameING - The LAN Party of the FSR-ET/IT ======
 +Finally it's that time again! The next GameING will take place at the TUHH on 7/8 July. We invite all TUHH students and your friends!\\ \\
 +{{ events:gameing_flyer.jpg?direct&400|}}
 +Jedes Semester findet die GameING an der TUHH statt. Im Sommersemester meist an einem der Maiwochenenden, im Wintersemester gegen November/Dezember beziehungsweise um den Jahreswechsel herum. Die GameING richtet sich an alle Studierende der TUHH und deren Freunde.\\ \\
 +{{ events:gameing:gameing_flyer_wise1920.jpg?direct&200&nolink|}}
 +GameING always starts on Friday at 6 pm and ends on Saturday at 10 am at the latest. We are always happy to have helpers for set-up and dismantling!
 +The room will be prepared depending on the number of registered participants. Therefore we ask you all to<html><!--  über [[|diesen Link]]--></html> so that we can set up enough tables and chairs and not run out of space. \\
 +**You don't necessarily need a big PC, you are welcome to come with your laptop! Games like Gartic Phone and Stardew Valley will also run well.** \\
 +If you have a long lecture on Friday and don't want to go home and get your computer, you are welcome to store your computer in the FSR room (E 0.097) during the day. Of course, this is at your own risk - the FSR is not liable for lost computers! Unfortunately, storage after GameING over the weekend is not possible.\\
 +====== GameING Summer Term 23 ======
 +===== Registration =====
 +The [[|registration]] is only for people who will be playing on site. Please do not **not** if you just want to watch or play online games over the internet.
 +If you want a place for your computer, it's 2€ entry, for everyone else it's free :) \\ \\
 +After registering, you will receive an email with a link to confirm your registration. Without this confirmation you are **not registered**. \\
 +If you have not received an email, please check your spam folder (ALL of them) and contact gameing.{{atatatat.png?nolink|}}.
 +===== Dates =====
 +^ Start: |07.07.2023 6pm |
 +^ End:   |08.07.2023 10 am |
 +^ Where:     | Building A, Student Learning (LuK)|
 +^ do not forget: | Headset, at least 10m LAN cable, distribution socket and 2 Euro entrance fee. |
 +^ Email:  | gameing{{atatatat.png?nolink|}} |
 +If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to gameing{{atatatat.png?nolink|}} write.
 +===== TeamSpeak Server =====
 +[[|{{ ts_logo_vertical_rgb.png?nolink&100|}}]]
 +Thanks to the kind support of TeamSpeak, we will host a TeamSpeak 3 server for the duration of GameING. Here you can talk, coordinate and much more. If you have any questions, you can also find us there, so just give us a nudge!
 +You can download the TeamSpeak 3 client from [[|hier]] download it.
 +^ TS3 Server ||
 +^ IP: | **TBA** |
 +/* commented out because it is not yet clear whether everything is so fixed
 +===== Tournaments =====
 +This time again we will offer tournaments in cooperation with the [[|Hamburger Sharks]] we will offer tournaments again! We will play League of Legends and CS GO. Just enter your team in the registration form, you will receive a link to the registration form in the confirmation mail. Prizes await the winners, so give it your all!\\
 +If you don't have a team yet, but still want to participate in a tournament, you can try to find members on our [[|Discord server]] to find members.\\
 +<html><!---Nach wie vor wollen wir allerdings dabei vor allem auf euch eingehen und Turniere organisieren, auf die ihr Bock habt! Das kann natürlich nur funktionieren, indem ihr uns mitteilt, was ihr spielen wollt.\\
 +Tut das gerne über alle möglichen Kanäle wie zum Beispiel unseren [[|Discord Server]], einer E-Mail an turniere{{atatatat.png?nolink|}}, oder auch an uns persönlich.\\
 +Zusätzlich dazu wollen wir dieses mal auch einen **Minecraft und TTT Server** für die GameING hosten, auf dem dann natürlich alle mitspielen dürfen. Die genauen Regeln für den Server werden hier in Kürze veröffentlicht.
 +<html><!---Die Turniere werden nicht vom FSR, sondern von extern organisiert.
 +Daher bitte bei Fragen, Anregungen oder was euch sonst noch bezüglich der Turniere einfällt eine E-Mail an: <html><!--<a href="javascript:location='mailto:\u006c\u0061\u006e\u002d\u0074\u0075\u0072\u006e\u0069\u0065\u0072\u0040\u0061\u0073\u0074\u0061\u002e\u0074\u0075\u0068\u0068\u002e\u0064\u0065';void 0"><script type="text/javascript">document.write('\u006c\u0061\u006e\u002d\u0074\u0075\u0072\u006e\u0069\u0065\u0072\u0040\u0061\u0073\u0074\u0061\u002e\u0074\u0075\u0068\u0068\u002e\u0064\u0065')</script></a> lan-turnier [auf] asta [punkt] tu-harburg [punkt] de schreiben. --></html>
 +<html><!--Wer Interesse an der Teilname am **League of Legends**, **Starcraft 2** oder **Counterstrike: Global Offensive** Turnier hat findet die Anmeldung dafür und weitere Informationen hier: [[|Turnieranmeldung]]--></html>
 +In addition to this, we also want to offer a **Minecraft and TTT server** for the GameING, on which everyone will of course be able to play.
 +===== Health checks from TK =====
 +As part of our cooperation with the Techniker Krankenkasse (health insurance company), we can offer two action stands on the topic of healthy posture at GameING. You are welcome to register here.
 +  * [[<ignore>=4913398f-fcff-4cb5-8891-124339f0fb9e|</ignore>EMG-Muskeltonusmessung]]: Click {{ events:gameing:gib_modulvorstellung_emg_techniker.pdf |here}} for more information
 +  * [[<ignore>=9a19123b-c5e3-4060-87ff-3996f9e02308|</ignore>Back-Check]]: Click {{ events:gameing:gib_modulvorstellung_back_check_techniker.pdf |here}} for more information
 +===== FAQ =====
 +**F:** Is there an internet connection on the LAN?\\
 +**A:** Yup, there is. However, you cannot **not** connect to the LAN from outside to **locally** play along. Games on online servers are of course not affected.
 +**F:** Are all ports for my games unlocked? \\
 +**A:** The most common ports for many games are unlocked. You can find a list of games and clients [[gameing-games|here]]. If your game is not listed yet, just send us a mail to gameing{{atatatat.png?nolink|}} with game and ports.
 +**F:** What is being played?\\
 +**A:** You decide! Popular games include: League of Legends, Valorant, Minecraft, TTT, many couch games and many more.
 +**F:** Can I bring food and drink with me?\\
 +**A:** Yes, you have to bring your own food. However, electrical appliances (such as kettles, toasters, etc.) may not be connected.
 +**F:** Can I bring other electrical appliances such as kettles, sandwich makers, etc.? \\
 +**A:** No. Any appliances other than computers and peripherals are prohibited, so don't even bring those. \\
 +**F:** Do I have to bring my own peripherals (mouse, keyboard, monitor)?\\
 +**A:** Not necessarily. That depends on whether you can operate your computer without one.
 +**F:** What do we have to consider if we want to compete as a tournament team?\\
 +**A:** As a tournament team, it is especially important that you all register under the same team name.
 +**F:** As a tournament team we need a switch, can we borrow one?\\
 +**A:** Yes, for a rental fee of 5€ you can borrow a switch from us for the tournament.
 +**F:** What is the answer to life, the universe and all the rest?\\
 +**A:** 42
 +**F:** Why does this FAQ only have nine questions?\\
 +**A:** Now it has ten.\\
 +**Q:** HODOR!
 +===== past GameINGs =====
 +^            ^ Date      ^ TN  ^
 +^ WiSe 22/23 | 11 November | 110 |
 +^ WiSe 19/20 | 11 January   | 120 |
 +^ Summer semester 2019  | 17 May     | 100 |
 +^ Summer semester 2018  | 08 June     | 100 |
 +^ WiSe 17/18 | 10 November | 150 |
 +^ Summer semester 2017  | 19 May     | 115 |
 +^ WiSe 16/17 | 18 November | 170 |
 +^ Summer semester 2016  | 03 June     | 180 |
 +^ WiSe 15/16 | 20 November | 170 |
 +^ Summer semester 2015  | 05 June     | 82  |
 +^ WiSe 14/15 | 14 November | 130 |
 +^ Summer semester 2014  | 22 May     | 66  |
 +^ WiSe 13/14 | 22 November | 120 |
 +^ Summer semester 2013  | 31 May     | 80  |
 +^ WiSe 12/13 | 30 November | 100 |
 +^ Summer semester 2012  | 8 June      | 44  |
 +^ WiSe 11/12 | 9 December  | 75  |
 +^...        | ...          | ... |
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en/lan-party.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/03 16:20