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en:orientierungseinheit [2022/10/04 00:25] – [Freshmen Week 2022 //(this part of our website is not yet up to date)//] Juno Stümkeen:orientierungseinheit [2023/09/19 10:45] Tim Malich
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-====== Freshmen Week 2022 (this part of our website is not yet up to date) ========+====== Freshmen Week 2023 ========
-This year there will again be a Freshmen Week (FWfor all freshmen+This year there will again be a Freshmen Week (OE). 
-The FW is a period of one week directly at the beginning of your studies in which you get to know the university and your fellow students. We, your student representatives, will organize the FW for you.+The OE is a period of one week directly at the beginning of your studies in which you get to know the university and your fellow students. We, your student representatives, will organize the OE for you. 
 +{{ :qr-codeerstisignal23.png?direct&200|}}
 +===== Signal Messenger Group Link ======
-===== Dates ====== +This year we created a signal group for youThere you can socialize with the fellow freshmen before the OE starts and we will keep you up to date about the upcoming events. You are welcome to join
-Early in October the semester openings will take placeYou can find the date for your course of studies in the schedule overview below.\\+
-The (highly recommended) [[ course]] starts on 12. October at 09 o'clock via online stream. The course will take place until the FW starts.\\ +[[ Group ]] ← click here or scan the QR-Code
-There will be no lectures for you in the FW. It is filled with events of all kinds and even if some events are not possible due to the pandemic, we have planned as many events as possible for you. Among other things, there will also be an online campus tour so that you can get to know the university. We also have the [[|Campus map]] in case you want to explore the TUHH beforehand.\\+
-On November 2nd, real life begins: Your regular lectures begin (exercises usually don't start until a week later).\\ +===== Dates ======
-==== Preliminary schedule =====  +
-All dates indicated with ?? are not in our hands and will be updated as soon as we have information about them. +
-^ Date ^^ Event ^ Time ^ Building, Room ^ +
-^Mon. ^05.10. |Welcoming by the Student Council for Technomathe|09:00|Audimax II| +
-|::: |:::     |Welcoming by the Student Council for Electrical engineering|12:00|Audimax II| +
-|::: |:::     |Welcoming by the Student Council for Data Science|15:00|Audimax II| +
-^Thu. ^08.10. |Welcoming by the Student Council for Computer Science |09:00|Audimax I| +
-|::: |:::     |Welcoming by the Student Council for Computer Science and Engineering|12:00|Audimax I| +
-^Mon. ^12.10. |[[|Start of IT Preliminary Course]] | 09:00 | online | +
-^Tue. ^13.10. |[[|Preliminary math course ]] | 09:00 | online | +
-^Fri. ^23.10. |Masters greeting by Student Council   |16:00            |online | +
-^Mon  ^26.10. |Campus Tour                           |12:00            |online | +
-|:::  |:::    |"First-Aid Meeting"                 |15:00            |online | +
-^Tue. ^27.10. |Technomathe Welcoming                 |09:00            |Audimax II | +
-|:::  |:::    |Data Science Welcoming                |10:00            |Building N, Room 0007 | +
-|:::  |:::    |nerdBar OpenAir                       |18:00            |back of building A | +
-^Wed. ^28.10. |Fachschaftsabend (online-Party)       |18:00            |online | +
-^Thu. ^29.10. |<del>Student Council barbecue.</del>  |16:00            |at the pond | +
-^Fri. ^29.10. |<del>Harburg rally</del>              |14:00            |in front of building E | +
-^Mon. ^02.11. |Start of lectures |see [[|VVVZ]] ||+
-<embed oekalendar/>+The (highly recommended) [[| preparatory course]] starts on 2nd October at 09 o'clock. Locations can be found following the link. The course will take place until the OE starts. We particularly recommend the IT introduction where you learn everything about out WIFI and printing.\\ 
 +On Friday the 06.10.2023 we will meet for the first time at the Inauguration Ceremony. In the OE week, starting from 16.10.2023, there will be no lectures for you yet. It is filled with events of all kinds. Among other things, there will be a rally through Harburg, a campus tour and a nerdBar, so you can get to know the university grounds, your sourroundings and your new fellow students. \\ 
 +All our events will take place on the campus of the TU Hamburg in Hamburg-Harburg. The best way to get there by public transport is to take the S3 to Harburg-Rathaus or Heimfeld. Here is the map of the university,{{ :campus_de.png?400|}} so you can always find us.
-*The "first aid meeting" is an appointment where we will answer your first questions about studying, university, the hybrid semester or anything else in a video chat.+On October 23rd, real life beginsYour regular lectures begin (exercises usually don't start until a week later).\\ 
 +===== Preliminary schedule =====  
 +^  Date  ^^  Event  ^  Time  ^  BuildingRoom  ^  
 +^We. ^04.10. | Interdisciplinary get-to-know evening   | TBA         | LuK| 
 +^Fr. ^06.10. | Inauguration Ceremony   | 14:00         | Friedrich-Ebert Halle| 
 +^Fr. ^06.10. | Student Council Welcome + Chili-Dinner | After the Inauguration Ceremony (ca. 15:30Uhr) | Audimax 2 | 
 +^Tue. ^10.10. | Interdisciplinary game evening | TBA | LuK | 
 +^Fr. ^13.10. | Student Council Evening  | 16:00         | LuK | 
 +^Mo. ^16.10. | First Lecture           | 8:30          | H0.16 | 
 +^Mo. ^16.10. | Brett and Breakfast       | After the first lecture (ca.09:30)         | LuK | 
 +^Mo. ^16.10. | Harburg-Rallye            | 15:30 | In front of buildung E | 
 +^Tue. ^17.10. | StartING@TUHH Kickoff          | 10:00         | Audimax 1| 
 +^Tue. ^17.10. | Hiking Tour          | 13:30         | In front of building E| 
 +^Tue. ^17.10. | [[nerdbar|nerdBar]]|18:00         | LuK & AStA Café | 
 +^We. ^18.10. | Campus Tour             | 11:00         | In front of building E | 
 +^We. ^18.10. | Beer Yoga         | 15:00 | LuK| 
 +^We. ^18.10. | Bollerwagen Tour           | 16:00         in front of building E | 
 +^Thu. ^19.10. | Olympics                 | 11:00         | TU-Teich am Südcampus | 
 +^Thu. ^19.10. | Barbeque             | After the Olympics (ca.13:00)         | TU-Pond on south-campus | 
 +^Thu. ^20.10. | Pub-Quiz                  | 19:00         | D2.022| 
 +^Mo. ^23.10. | Start of Lectures          |see [[|VVZ]] |-|
 The **LuK** (Learning and Communication Centre) can be found by entering building A through the main entrance (towards the street) and walking along the corridor on the left on the ground floor. It is also signposted as "Studentisches Lernen". Our events take place in the lounge or the multi-purpose room by the stairs to the lounge. \\ The **LuK** (Learning and Communication Centre) can be found by entering building A through the main entrance (towards the street) and walking along the corridor on the left on the ground floor. It is also signposted as "Studentisches Lernen". Our events take place in the lounge or the multi-purpose room by the stairs to the lounge. \\
 Room **D2.022** is located in building D on the intermediate floor "Z3". Room **D2.022** is located in building D on the intermediate floor "Z3".
-===== Excursion Fraunhofer ISIT ===== 
-**UPDATE: After consultation with the person responsible at Fraunhofer ISIT, this excursion is unfortunately also canceled due to  Corona!**\\ 
-We apologize for the failure and when the situation has eased again we will try to start the whole thing again.\\ 
-<del>We offer you this year on October 28th. an excursion to the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT in Itzehoe.\\+====== Events ======
-Fraunhofer ISIT is one of the most modern research facilities for microelectronics and microsystem technology in Europe. They are specialists in the development, manufacture and integration of micromechanical and microelectronic components. These miniaturized components are used in medicine, in environmental and transport technology, in communication technology, in the automotive industry and in mechanical engineering.\\+Here you will find specific information regarding the events.\\
-The excursion itself takes place at 10 a.m. in Itzehoe, so we meet at 7:40 a.m. on campus in front of the E building to take the bus to the north.\\+**This section will be completed over time. 
 +**Dates are subject to change!
-Places are limited to 40so register using the link below:\\ +**Important: Liability!** All events organized by the FSR ET/IT are private eventsi.e. neither the organizers nor the TUHH are liableWe are not liable for anything.
-[[|Registration]]\\ +
-===== Links/Registrations for online events ===== +===== Interdisciplinary Get-To-Know Evening =====
-^ Event ^ Link/Registration ^ Meeting-ID ^ Password ^ +
-| Fachschaftsabend (online-Party) | | \\ | \\ | +
-| Harburg rally | <del> you can find it in StudIP under ET/IT OE Rallye 2020  or [[|here]]</del>| \\ | \\ |  +
-| PUB-QUIZ | later | \\ | \\ | +
-===== nerdBar OpenAir ===== +
-===UPDATE: Due to Corona we sadly had to cancel all face-to-face events.\\ +
-<del>Since the legendary nerdBar, which actually takes place every two weeks, is generally canceled due to Corona, we have considered offering at least one open-air event so that the nerdBar does not fall completely into oblivion. This is primarily an OE event for freshmen students, so all regular guests are asked to register late in order to let the new students go first.\\+
-**general alcohol ban** applies at the event! Please stick to this so that events can continue to be held to this extent.\\+**04.10.2023, tba, LuK**\\ 
 +At the interdisciplinary get-to-know evening, first-year students from all degree programmes meet at the LuK. This is a great opportunity to make contacts outside of your own department. The evening is organised by the AStA.
-As with all events that are currently taking place, you must also register for this. The seats are reduced to 100 people in which the bar team is already included. Registration does not start until October 23rd.\\+===== Inauguration Ceremony =====
-You can find the link to register [[|here]].</del>\\+** 06.10.2023, 14:00 o'clock, Friedrich-Ebert Halle**\\ 
 +This is the official welcoming ceremony of the TU Hamburg. You will be informed about that via email from the university. 
-===== Student Council barbecue ===== +===== Welcoming for Students associated to ET/IT =====
-===UPDATE: Also canceled due to Corona. \\+
-===== FW trip 2020 ====== +** 06.10., after the Inauguration Ceremony, Audimax 2**\\ 
-Unfortunately, the FW trip is canceled this year due to the ongoing pandemic. There are plans to do this in the next summer semester, if possible, but there are no concrete statements yet.+After picking you up at the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle, we, the student representatives, will walk you to the Audimax 2 to welcome youThere will be chili and drinks :) 
 +===== Interdisciplinary Games Evening =====
 +**10.10.2023, tba, LuK**\\
 +The Interdisciplinary Games Evening. Like the Get-To-Know evening, but this time with board games. Feel free to bring your own games, it will be a fun evening!
 +===== Fachschaftsabend =====
 +** 13.10.2023, starting 16:00, LuK (building A)**\\
 +We invite everyone of our students associated to ET/IT to spend the evening together. There will be snacks and drinks, be sure to bring some cash for that. Please be advised that the public transport is only usable until a certain time, after that hour you can only take a night bus.  
 +===== First Lecture =====
 +** 16.10.2023, 8:30 o'clock, Audimax 1 **\\
 +Dr. Seifert will welcome you to join the First Lecture at the TU Hamburg. You should definitely come, because important foundations of an engineering degree will be taught, so listen closely and take notes!
 +===== Brett and Breakfast =====
 +** 16.10.2023, following the 1st lecture (approx. 9:30 a.m.) **\\
 +We want to have breakfast with you while playing some board games. Feel free to bring your own!
 +===== Harburg Rallye =====
 +** 16.10.2023, 15:30, in front of building E (outside, entrance II)**\\
 +Here, we send you on your way in teams to answer tricky questions about Harburg and visit our stops to collect points! Your team competes against the other teams and there will be a prize for the best team. You won't leave Harburg on your route and we will supply drinks. Be sure to bring weatherproof clothing and maybe an umbrella because you will have to walk a lot. The award ceremony will take place on thursday right before the Pub Quiz, where we'll announce the winning team and hand out the prizes.
 +===== StartING@TUHH Kick-off =====
 +** 17.10.2023, 10:00 - 12:15, tba **\\
 +At the StartING@TUHH kick-off, after a short welcome, the tutorial groups will be formed. \\
 +Then you will go directly to the first meeting with your tutors and your group in smaller rooms. \\
 +Here you will receive the most important information for the first week of Uni and get to know the people in your group. \\
 +===== Hike =====
 +** 17.10.2023, 13:30 - ca. 17:30, in front of building E ** \\
 +We want to climb the highest mountain in Hamburg together with you. We recommend sturdy shoes for this strenuous climb.
 +===== nerdBar =====
 +** 17.10.2023, 18:00, LuK & AStA Cafe**\\
 +Our classic bar! Which we're holding for you this time at LuK.
 +We don't sell real food at our bar, so be prepared to either eat something beforehand, take something with you, or buy something at a snack bar of your choice in the vicinity of the university (for tips, contact any FSR member). Cheers!
 +===== Campus Tour =====
 +** 18.10.2022, 11:00 o'clock, in front of building E**\\
 +In order to get to know it better, we will give you a tour of our campus and its surroundings. \\
 +===== Beer Yoga =====
 +** 18.10.2023, 15:00, LuK ** \\
 +Have you always wanted to combine beer and sports? Then this is the right place for you. Bring a yoga mat or a big towel and wear comfortable clothes (sweatpants or leggings). Of course you can also participate alcohol-free (but it's less fun ;D).
 +===== Bollerwagen Tour =====
 +** 18.10.2023, 16:00, in front of building E**\\
 +On Tuesday evening, we will make the long way with our Bollerwagen to the Reeperbahn, where the Ersti Party will probably take place afterwards. An absolute highlight every year!
 +===== Olympics =====
 +** 19.10.2022, 11:00 o'clock, at the pond on south campus **\\
 +At our olympiad you can compete in teams of four against each other in a series of small games to achieve fame and fortune. 
 +===== Barbecue =====
 +** 19.10.2023, following the Olympics approx. 13:00, TU pond at the south campus**\\
 +There will be a barbecue. \\
 \\ \\
-\\ +What did you expect? :P 
 +===== Pub Quiz ===== 
 +** 19.10.2023, 7:00pm, D2.022**\\ 
 +In the Pub Quiz you will have to answer several questions from different categories in groups of 5. The group that has answered the most questions correctly at the end of the quiz wins! Small specialThere will probably be a few professors present that you will surely have in the course of your studies! 
 +===== OE trip 2023 ===== 
 +The OE trip is optional and will take place at the end of OE week. The ride will run from **Fr. 10/20/23** to **Sun. 10/22/23**. We will be back at TUHH around 4:00pm on Sunday. Thanks to financial support by the university and the association of alumni and supporters of the TUHH, the weekend will cost you only **tba**€ **all inclusive**. In addition, there will be an official student council shirt for all those who register quickly enough. The trip is **very popular** and usually **booked up quickly**!\\ 
 +**Registration:** tba 
 +The start of the registration will be announced during the Ersti welcome. 
 +==== Where is it going anyway? ==== 
 +The trip is going to **tba** this time. 
 +All we can say is that it is a destination in the northern part of Germany, where we will stay in "suitable accommodation"
 +Yes, there is running water and electricity there! 
 +**Important: Liability!** This is a private trip, which means that neither the organizers nor the TUHH are liable. 
 +==== Dates ==== 
 +  * **Start:** Fri. 20.10.23 at **tba** o'clock at the TUHH in front of the building E 
 +  * **End:** Sun. 22.10.23 at **tba** o'clock at the TUHH in front of the building E 
 +  * **Destination:** **tba** 
 +  * **Price:** **tba** Euro all incl. 
 +  * **Registration:** **tba** 
 +==== What do I have to pack? ==== 
 +  * **Food:** Breakfast for Friday, otherwise: Food is being cooked for us! 
 +  * **Bedding:** Please bring your own bed linen (pillow/ duvet cover). (Attention: no sleeping bags!) 
 +  * **Clothing:** Sturdy shoes and weatherproof clothing. We will be outdoors. 
 +  * **Hygiene:** Remember to bring a toothbrush, towels, etc. 
 +  * **Writing Utensils & Calculator:** We will need to write a test to supplement the pre-course and statistical surveys. 
 +  * **ID and co.:** Please bring both your student ID and your ID card (or a comparable document such as a passport or driving licence). 
 +==== Will I miss anything? ==== 
 +**No**, only if you don't go! 
 +There are **no other events** planned at the university during the OE trip. That means either you come along or you get bored at home! :-) 
 +We are looking forward to many participants! 
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en/orientierungseinheit.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 09:03