If you have already taken exams at another university or similar institution, you may be able to have them recognized for your future studies at the TUHH. Important! As with all applications, please pay attention to the deadlines. You can find detailed information in the „General Study and Examination Regulations“ (ASPO) in §11 „Recognition of study, examination and other achievements“.
The ASPO can be found here.
How to get a topic for a bachelor's, master's or other thesis depends on the institute you are interested in. Essentially, however, there are the following possibilities:
There is also the possibility to think of a topic yourself and to look for a supervising professor. However, this is very unusual and the success is uncertain.
If you want to write your thesis in cooperation with a company, you should start looking for a supervising professor early on. Experience has shown that most students find an institute in the end, but the search is often more time-consuming. It is helpful to already have a relatively precise description of the topic. Also, the search will be easier the clearer the scientific aspect of the thesis is.
Also check here for some useful links.