Welcome to the association Hamburger Ingenieure der Elektro- und Informationstechnik (HITECH) e.V. (Engineers in Electrical Engineering and Informationtechnology of Hamburg).
The non-profit organization HITECH e.V. has been founded in 2010 by members of TUHH's Fachschaftsrat Elektrotechnik/Informationstechnik (FSR ET/IT). Its main purpose is to support the students, to encourage cooperations between members of TUHH and other universities and institutions, and to establish contacts to the industry.
HITECH regularily hosts so-called evenINGs at which companies present themselves and opportunities for students and graduates. In a casual atmosphere, students have the possibility to establish contacts with the companies' representatives and to ask questions about all aspects of the work.
Further, HITECH e.V. is establishing a network for former students and researchers. HITECH e.V. continuously maintains a close contact to the FSR ET/IT and the institutes of Dekanat E.
Visit also the official homepage: https://hitech-hh.org.
for students:
HITECH offers various opportunities for students to complement their technical education by social competences and to contribute to the life at the university. The members represent various cohorts and study programs and aim to provide events regularily to meet new people to master studying and to find a good transition to professional life eventually.
for alumni:
HITECH does not only focus on the current students, but also maintains close and active contact to alumni. Thereby, students can profit from the experiences of the alumni and have the cahnce to get insights into professional life. At the same time, alumni get a valueable opportunity to stay in touch with the university and old friends.
Official documents of the association: HITECH Forms
The statutes (Satzung) of HITECH: HITECH Statutes