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GameING - The LAN-Party of the FSR-ET/IT

Finally it's that time again! On 19/20 January the next GameING will take place at the TUHH. We invite all TUHH students and your friends!

GameING always starts on Friday at 6 pm and ends on Saturday at 5 am at the latest. We are always happy to have set-up and dismantling helpers! The room will be set up depending on the number of registered participants. We therefore ask you all to so that we can set up enough tables and chairs and not run out of space.
You don't necessarily need a large PC, you are welcome to come with your laptop! Games like Gartic Phone and Stardew Valley also run well.
If you have a long lecture on Friday and don't want to go home and get your computer, you are welcome to store your computer in the FSR room (E 0.097) during the day. Of course, this is at your own risk - the FSR is not liable for lost computers! Unfortunately, storage after GameING over the weekend is not possible.

GameING WiSe 23/24

Registration form

The Anmeldung is only for people who play on site. Please do not not if you just want to watch or play online games via the internet.

If you want a place for your computer, it costs 2€ entry, for everyone else it's free :)

After registration you will receive an email with a confirmation link. Without this confirmation you are not registered.
If you have not received an email, please check your spam folder (ALL of them) and otherwise contact gameing.


Start: 19.01.2024 6 pm
End: 20.01.2024 5 a.m.
Where: Building A, student learning (LuK)
Do not forget: Bring a headset, at least 10m LAN cable, distribution socket and 2 Euro entrance fee
Email: gameing

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can send us an e-mail to gameing at


No GameING would be complete without tournaments, so here we are again:

Meeting times

Couchgaming: 19.30 - 21.00
LoL: 21.30 - 23.30


To warm up before our big tournament, we also offer a couchgaming tournament. 4 teams each with 4 players each spontaneously register on the evening of GameING and compete against each other in several *mini games* to win the prize to win the prize for themselves.
The start is 19:30 and will take place in the LuK. Just follow the notices in the evening, we look forward to seeing you :)

Leauge of Legends

Our main event: The LoL tournament. Here will be four teams against each other for the main prize worth over 100€. So get your people together and register under a team name as a team of 5 and then you're in. Even if you can't play yourself, you'll still get something out of it. The whole tournament will be broadcast live on LuK and cast.
The start is 21:30, so be there on time. We look forward to seeing you :)

TK Health Insurance

The Techniker Krankenkasse is supporting us with our GameING. Like last time, back check-ups and an EMG muscle toning measurement will be offered from 6pm to 11pm. Afterwards you even get a personalised training plan with exercises that you can easily do at home.
Please register for the check-ups:
Back-Check: Click here for more information.
EMG-Muskeltonusmessung: Click here here for more information.

TeamSpeak Server

Thanks to the kind support of TeamSpeak, we will be hosting a TeamSpeak 3 server for the duration of GameING. Here you can talk, discuss, coordinate and much more. If you have any questions, you can also find us there, so just give us a shout!

You can download the TeamSpeak 3 client here download.

TS3 Server

Games Server

We host servers for Minecraft Vanilla on the latest version and Garry's Mod TTT.


F: Is there an Internet connection on the LAN?
A: Yup, there is. However, you can not connect to the LAN from outside to locally to play locally. Games on online servers are of course not affected.

F: Have all ports for my games been activated?
A: The most common ports for many games are unlocked. F: What will be played?
A: You decide! Popular games include: League of Legends, Valorant, Minecraft, TTT, many couch games and many more.

F: Can I bring food and drink?
A: Yes, you have to cater for yourself. However, electrical appliances (such as kettles, toasters, etc.) may not be plugged in.

F: Can I bring other electrical appliances such as kettles, sandwich makers etc.?
A: No. Any devices other than computers and peripherals are prohibited, so don't bring them.

F: Do I have to bring my own peripherals (mouse, keyboard, monitor)?
A: Not necessarily. It depends on whether you can use your computer without.

F: What do we have to consider if we want to compete as a tournament team?
A: As a tournament team, it is particularly important that you all register under the same team name.

F: As a tournament team we need a switch, can we borrow one?
A: Yes, for a rental fee of 5€ you can borrow a switch from us for the tournament.

F: What is the answer to life, the universe and all the rest?
A: 42

F: Why does this FAQ only have nine questions?
A: Now it has ten.

past GameINGs

Date TN
Summer term 2023 07 July 95
WiSe 22/23 11 November 110
WiSe 19/20 11 January 120
Summer semester 2019 17 May 100
SoSe 2018 08 June 100
WiSe 17/18 10 November 150
SoSe 2017 19 May 115
WiSe 16/17 18 November 170
SoSe 2016 03 June 180
WiSe 15/16 20 November 170
SoSe 2015 05 June 82
WiSe 14/15 14 November 130
SoSe 2014 22 May 66
WiSe 13/14 22 November 120
SoSe 2013 31 May 80
WiSe 12/13 30 November 100
SoSe 2012 8 June 44
WiSe 11/12 9 December 75


en/lan-party.1704923930.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/10 21:58